A Study on the Alienation of Athletes-The subject of study on High School handball players- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 소외(疎外)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-전국(全國) 남녀고등학교(男女高等學校) Handball 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
21(2) 3-13, 1982
A Study on the Alienation of Athletes-The subject of study on High School handball players- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 소외(疎外)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-전국(全國) 남녀고등학교(男女高等學校) Handball 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
The aim of this study is to analyze the alienation of the athletes. For this study, 649 students, male and female, are sampled from among high school handball players(289 students) and general students (360 students).
From this study, the following conclusions are drawn.
1) The alienation of general students is higher than that of athletes.
2) The alienation of male athletes is higher than that of female athletes.
3) The alienation of high grade athletes is higher than that of lower grade athletes.
4) Those who have much sports experience have higher alienation that those who have a little sports experience.
5) Good keepers have a higher standard in the alienation than that of court players.
6) Players who have religion are at a lower standard in the alienation than that of those who have no religion.
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A study and investigation into the actual state about the working girl students' recreation in the industrial parks. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 산업체근로여학생(産業體勤勞女學生)의 레크리에이션 활동(活動)에 대한 실태조사연구(實態調査硏究)
21(2) 14-39, 1982
A study and investigation into the actual state about the working girl students' recreation in the industrial parks. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 산업체근로여학생(産業體勤勞女學生)의 레크리에이션 활동(活動)에 대한 실태조사연구(實態調査硏究)
It was studied arid investigated as the follows through the questionnaires so that this case study might be grasped in the actual state and interest in recreation activities for the working girl students of being in private enterprises located in the whole area of Young-Nam province.
1. Basic investigation:
A study and investigation into tile actual state about the workshop recreation activities for the working girl students and managers.
2. A investigation into the home environment:
A study and investigation into the actual state about the home recreation for the working girl students.
Investigation into the actual state about the recreation based on this case study:
Investigation into the actual activities and fundamental attitude in the working girl students` recreation activities.
1. According to the finding of basic investigation.
(1) The shortage of facilities for recreation and excess of work time showed in the lack of interest with the managers of enterprises for recreation.
(2) Working girl students were short of leisure time, occupied much times in working and study.
So, their minds and bodies was tired.
2. According to the finding of investigation into the home environment:
Because of small income earner classes come from farming and fishing villeges mostly, They could’t take a basic knowledge for recreation and the benefits of facilities for recreation.
3. According to the investigation into the interest degree with a recreation:
It has bean difficult for the working girl students to get much leisure times. But, they request a sufficient facilities for recreation and leisure times with much interest in recreation.
Ask for managers of enterprises` much careful concern in order to elevation of their efficiency of work and healthy control.
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A study of physical activities and guidance for physically-handicapped college students 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지체장애(肢體障碍) 대학생(大學生)들의 체육활동(體育活動) 실태조사(實態調査)
21(2) 40-45, 1982
A study of physical activities and guidance for physically-handicapped college students 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지체장애(肢體障碍) 대학생(大學生)들의 체육활동(體育活動) 실태조사(實態調査)
For the research, 120 college students (81 males and 39 females) selected a sports event according to the degree of their athletic ability and the degree of their handicap. Extorts were made to collect data on the development of physical education programs for those handicapped students.
An abstract of the study is as follows:
1. The duration and causes of their physical handicaps. Most of them were disabled by disease or by accident before their primary school days.
2. Some aspects of athletic activities for handicapped students:
(1) They suffered a minimal amount of pain and discomfort by physically exorcising.
(2) Although physical education for them has recently been substituted for mere observation or study through books, they want to participate in as many events as possible.
3. Prior to their physical activities, they expect the counsel of their colleagues and guidance from their professors.
4. They avoid athletic activities for the following reasons:
a. An unwillingness to show their hampered movements.
b. A timid character.
c. Persisting habits to avoid athletic activities.
d. Absence of events they can participate in.
5. They feel unpleasant when excluded from activities.
6. They accept their lack of physical education with resignation.
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A Study on the Analysis of Consumers' Behaviours in Leisure Sporting Goods 인문 · 사회과학편 : 「레저 · 스포츠」 용품(用品)의 소비자(消費者) 행동(行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-특(特)히 테니스용품(用品) 소비자(消費者) 행동(行動) 분석(分析)을 중심(中心)으로-
21(2) 46-88, 1982
A Study on the Analysis of Consumers' Behaviours in Leisure Sporting Goods 인문 · 사회과학편 : 「레저 · 스포츠」 용품(用品)의 소비자(消費者) 행동(行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-특(特)히 테니스용품(用品) 소비자(消費者) 행동(行動) 분석(分析)을 중심(中心)으로-
This study has been attempted to observe the consumer’s behaviours to the leisure sporting goods, and especially to investigate and analyze the real understanding of manufacturers for tennis equipments and consumer’s behaviours practically.
The conclusions of the study are as fellows;
1. In the structure of consumers, the number of male is much more than that of the female. The buyers in their teens, in their twenties, and in their forties amount to 87.7% of all the consumers. In income, many consumers are placed mainly in the class with high flexibility of income.
2. Most of the buyers for tennis goods have the motive to play tennis for their control of physical strong h and their personal relations.
3. The consumers tend to decide the equipments through the advice of coach and neighboring comrade. Any they buy the goofs at the professional tennis goods store and wholesale store for sporting goods for the personal relationships and the control of physical strength regarding the purchasing reference as the designing and manufacturing companies.
4. The attitudes of the consumers after purchasing are represented as the improvement of design and quality. And the purchasing behaviours are shown as "accompanied with their friends".
5. About talc half of the consumers cheese their permanent stores, arid it is shown that they are provided discount of the prices and repair of guts from the stores.
6. In consumers’ behaviours, they tend to enjoy playing tennis with their friends in fee-charging courts or in school courts. They want to play at any time or morning in day; in sunday and saturday in a week; and in spring or autumn in season.
7. consumer’s suggestion after using the equipments, they desire the improvement of the design like the foreign one, and represent that the prices are appropriate or cheap. They also demand better quality of the goods(50.8%) in the attitudes to the quality, and show the great extent of satisfaction in color.
8. In the obstacles of tennis which are the consumer`s own problem, they have different seriousness in age; consumers in the thirties to the sixties worry about the obstacles with high proportion as 67.3% and it is expected to be necessary for the industry of tennis goods to educate the consumers for tennis obstacles.
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A Study on the Present Conditions of physical Education (Taking Lessons, Ground Equipments, Teaching Aid) at Primary Schools. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 체육(體育)(수업(授業), 시설(施設), 교구(敎具))현황분석(現況分析)에 관한 연구(硏究)
정삼현SamHyunJeong , 박상갑SangGapPark
21(2) 100-108, 1982
A Study on the Present Conditions of physical Education (Taking Lessons, Ground Equipments, Teaching Aid) at Primary Schools. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 체육(體育)(수업(授業), 시설(施設), 교구(敎具))현황분석(現況分析)에 관한 연구(硏究)
정삼현SamHyunJeong , 박상갑SangGapPark
This study analyzed our present conditions of primary Schools` physical education equipments intending to effectirely cerise activation of taking physical lessons with good dates.
Investigating the physical equipments arid the teaching tools of primary schools, 300 primary schools of nation-wide 13 districts and cities, with qutstionnaire and directly visited.
When I investigated and considered the present conditions of physical education equipments and aids, the following fact came to reveal that about 50% out of every primary school were lacking in the equipments and aids, and still lefts the rest were equipped partially. So the difficulties of the physical education at present seem to result from the following causes.
1. All the problems caused by the physical education classes themselves.
2. All the problems caused by lack of the physical education grounds.
3. All the problems caused by lack of the items of physical education aids.
4. All the problem resulting from the difference of physical education equipments and measuring standar’sP
5. All the problems resulting from the managing view point of the equipments.
I will propose to salve the problems as mentioned above.
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The Analytical Study of Girl High School Student's Attitude Factors Toward Exercises and Physical Activities. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여자고등학생(女子高等學生)들의 운동(運動)에 대(對)한 태도요인(態度要因) 분석연구(分析硏究)
21(2) 109-117, 1982
The Analytical Study of Girl High School Student's Attitude Factors Toward Exercises and Physical Activities. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여자고등학생(女子高等學生)들의 운동(運動)에 대(對)한 태도요인(態度要因) 분석연구(分析硏究)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the concrete materials for the evaluation of a girls’ high school students, by the analysis of then attitude toward the physical activities.
This study has proceeded with the test based on the theory of factor analysis of G.S. Kenyon. The test examined by 511 girl students was practiced throughout the period between Aug. 1 and Oct. 30, 1982.
Though the test paper on the question items, composed of the G.S. Kenyon`s theory of analysis of the girl students` attitude toward physical activites the six conceptual factors which characterize physical activities in spatial dimension.
Conclusionally the result extracted from them brought some valuable materiasl.
1. The difference between students’ activities of each grade is that there is not any remarkeble difference in the four factors such as a social, an aesthetic experience, catharsis, and ascetic experience, but does appear considersble difference in the health and fitness, and the pursuit of vertigo in p<0.05 lebel.
2. The difference of then attitude toward activities, caused by the standard of school career of their parents, shows that there is not any distinctive disparity in all the above mentioned factors.
3. That caused by their parents` vocation means that though there is not any difference in the factors such as social experience, health and fitness, an aesthetic experience, catharsis, and ascetic experience, but considerable disparity in the factor, the pursuit of vertigo in p<0.05 leble.
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Teaching Methods of the Tumbling Exercise on the Learning Conditions. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 학습형태(學習形態)에 따른 매트운동(運動)의 효율적(效率的) 지도방법(指導方法)
21(2) 118-124, 1982
Teaching Methods of the Tumbling Exercise on the Learning Conditions. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 학습형태(學習形態)에 따른 매트운동(運動)의 효율적(效率的) 지도방법(指導方法)
This study was to research better teaching methods of the tumbling exercise. Learning theories applied were part versus whole methods and massed versus distributed practice. 420 junior high school girl students were used as subjects. The study was designed in the following manner: One group consisted of 70 student' as all were devided into 6 groups. The first group was used for massed practice, the second group for distributed practice, the third and the fourth for part method, and the fifth and the sixth for whole method.
The results were as the following:
1. The method of distributed practice was more effective than that of massed practice to learn concentratively one or two motor skills every period.
2. The whole method presenting with the whole consecutive motion and making the students repeat it was more effective than the part method presenting with part by part motion.
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A Study on the Effective Teaching Method in Physical Education-With Volley Ball Game- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육수업(體育授業)의 효율적(效率的)인 지도방법(指導方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅱ)(배구경기(排球競技)를 중심(中心)으로)
21(2) 125-136, 1982
A Study on the Effective Teaching Method in Physical Education-With Volley Ball Game- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육수업(體育授業)의 효율적(效率的)인 지도방법(指導方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅱ)(배구경기(排球競技)를 중심(中心)으로)
1. Motivation of Study.
Annual physical education stated on the curriculum of middle school should be offered 105 hours by by all the students, from first year students to third year students. Among 105 hours, 21 hours (20% of 105 hours) are allocated to ball game units.
According to the allocated hours, one item of ball games is allocated only 5~7 hours in a year. The researcher thinks it is the best way to improve the teaching method (teaching technique) for teaching efficiently for the purpose of achiveing standard level because the hours stated on the curriculum are short hours.
2. Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to improve an efficient teaching method the services of volleyball through an experimental study, to establish the objectives of the lesson to every grade by suggestion the achievement standard level and to supply efficient evaluation materials.
3. Method of Study.
1) The object of this study were 1.260 girls students of 4 middle schools in Seoul.
2) Under the cruriculum, the items of this study were undeer hand service for first year students, over hand service for second year students, and floater service for third year students.
3) The experimental results were analyzed by the teaching method and the achievement standards.
4) The period of the study was from September 1st, 1981 to January 30th, 1982.
4. Problems
1) The students selected for this study were not volleyball players but general students.
2) The quality and intensity of service were not considered.
3) The results were compared by the lesson teaching method designed by the researcher.
5. The results are summarized as follows:
1) It is the most efficient method for the students to learn under serve for the curriculum of first year students at the point of 4.5 meters from the center line with making steps backward gradually.
2) It is the most efficient method to learn over hand serve for the curriculum of second year students at the point of 4.5 meters far from the center line with making steps backward gradually.
3) It is the most efficient method to learn floater service for the curriculum of third year students at the point of 4.5 meters far from the center line with making steps backward gradually.
4) It is suitable to establish 40% achievement rate in the objective of under hand service.
5) It is suitable to establish 10% achievement rate in the objective of lesson of over hand service.
6) It is suitable to estable to establish 20% achievement rate in the objective of lesson of floater service.
7) It seems that over hand serve and floater serve are difficult to learn for middle school girls student.
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The study on students' needs and interests to physical education and sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중고생(中高生)들의 체육 및 스포츠에 대한 관심(關心)과 요구(要求)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
21(2) 137-150, 1982
The study on students' needs and interests to physical education and sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중고생(中高生)들의 체육 및 스포츠에 대한 관심(關心)과 요구(要求)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
Administrators and teachers are increasingly interested in students` needs and interests. Thus, it is necessary to determine what that they think and believe in terms of their attitudes on schooling.
The purposes of this study are to:
(1) determine students` needs and interests in physical education service courses at junior and senior high school.
(2) suggest a comprehensive guideline to develop a sound school program and Curriculum for physical education.
Questionnaires were sent to 1,100 high school students and callect them. The data was and alized with percentages according to the each question of the questionnaire used for this study.
The results of the study were as follows:
(1) In general the students are interested in sports and physical education activities but the sports facilities of schools couldrit meet the their needs.
(2) The most favorite sports among students are normally baseball, soccer, valley ball and basket ball. They are also interested in life time sports activities such as tennis, base ball, and jogging.
(3) The student want not only back ground principles on sports and physical education but also sex education. As for the numbers of testing and evaluative methods, The want twice in motor abilities and written areas respectively.
(4) In order to be a good teacher, the teacher must have understanding for students and try to give them interest and should teach than as an individual.
(5) Among student who want to be a sportsman, most of them hope to choose the sports according to their aptitude. Also many of them want to enjoy sports in the suture.
(6) The students want to enter an extra curricula activity class about sports at school, but They failed because The activities were not active.
(7) The student want to open more sports facilities at school and to school and to have supervisors and coaches for the activities.
(8) The students want to chose free sporting suit for sports uniform in class.
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A Study on John Locke's Physical Education Thought 인문 · 사회과학편 : 죤 · 로크(John Locke)의 체육사상(體育思想)
21(2) 89-99, 1982
A Study on John Locke's Physical Education Thought 인문 · 사회과학편 : 죤 · 로크(John Locke)의 체육사상(體育思想)
John Locke asserts himself the Tabula rasa theory in which the mind is pictured as a blank tablet waiting to receive impressions, He insists that knowledge is obtained by drawing experiences from outward on it. So he emphasizes the early education and gives advice to bring up children rigorously to make them ‘man of reason’.
He puts his aim of education on bringing up ‘gentleman’ and thinks that the physical, moral, mental education and skill should be the elements of the education program to acheive this aim. Above all, he thinks the physical education the most important of all, based on the belief that is, ‘a sound mind in a sound body’.
His main idea of the Physical education is health itself, which is built up by continual training. According to his opinion, the concept of the training is ‘being habituated’ by practice through the experiences. Today his thought on preservation and improvement of health has been medically proved good for the healthy living.
He regards swimming and dancing highly and suggested that the should be essential subject for the physical education. He also says that riding a horse and fencing are good exercise for health even though some defects in the skills are found in them.
He regards recreation as a diversion of one’s feeling. He also thinks it can not only relieve both the mental and physical fatigue but also refresh one’s mind. He advises to enjoy outdoor recreation for the physical exercise.
Furthermore, he insists that the recreation itself can be enlarged and reproduced on the course of its development and help one recreate one’s own life. And so he strongly recommends it for making best use of the idle hours.
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A Study of the Simple and Selective Reaction Time in Pre-Post Athletic 자연과학편 : 운동전후(運動前後)의 단순(單純) 및 선택반응(選擇反應) 시간(時間)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-탁구선수(卓球選手)들을 중심(中心)으로-
21(2) 153-158, 1982
A Study of the Simple and Selective Reaction Time in Pre-Post Athletic 자연과학편 : 운동전후(運動前後)의 단순(單純) 및 선택반응(選擇反應) 시간(時間)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-탁구선수(卓球選手)들을 중심(中心)으로-
In order to measure the reaction time in pre-post athletic for male college table tennis players, the simple and selective reaction time was observed and analyzed in each limbs before athletic, after the pre-exercise and after the main athletic, and the conclusions were as follows:
1. The simple reaction time after pre-exercise was faster in three parts of limbs than the simple reaction time before athletic except the left hand.
2. The selective reaction time after the main athletic was appeared faster in the level for left hand and for the other three parts of limbs than the selective reaction time before three athletic.
3. The reaction time after the pre-exercise and after the main athletic was appeared faster in the level for the left hand only, but there was no significance for the other three parts of limbs.
4. In the selective reaction time, the reaction time after pre-exercise and after the main athletic athletic was faster in three parts of limbs except the right foot than the reaction time before athletic.
5. The difference between the reaction time after pre-exercise and the reaction time after the main athletic was appeared with no significance.
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Effect of the choice Reaction time, Movement time, and Response time of Upper limb on the Skilled Woker's Aptitude. 자연과학편 : 상지(上肢)의 선택반응시간(選擇反應時間), 동작시간(動作時間) 및 응답시간(應答時間)이 기능공적성(技能工適性)에 미치는 영향(影響)
21(2) 159-168, 1982
Effect of the choice Reaction time, Movement time, and Response time of Upper limb on the Skilled Woker's Aptitude. 자연과학편 : 상지(上肢)의 선택반응시간(選擇反應時間), 동작시간(動作時間) 및 응답시간(應答時間)이 기능공적성(技能工適性)에 미치는 영향(影響)
This study to analyze the effect of the choice Reaction time, Movement time and Response time of upper limb on the Skilled worker’s Aptitude.
The subjects were 75 junior students (40 males and 35 females).
Choice Reaction time, Movement time and Response time of upper limb were measured by the modified Body Reaction Time Measuring Instrument (TKK 1264) and the Skilled Worker’s Aptitude was tested by pencil and paper test with the subtests of Tracing, Tapping. Dotting, Copying. Location, Block Identification, Visual pursuit.
The results of the choice Reaction time, Movement time and Response time of upper limb and the skilled Worker’s Aptitude turn out as follows;
1. In the relation between Reaction time and the Skilled Worker’s Aptitude, there is no significant correlation in male but in female significant correlation between Reaction time to forward and Location, Visual pursuit(P<0.05), Reaction time to left and Tracing, Visual pursuit(P<0.05).
2. In the relation between movement time and the Skilled Worker’s Aptitude, there is significant correlation between Movement time to left and copying (P<0.05) and female Movement time to left and Location, Tracing(P<0.05, P<0.01).
3. In the relation between Response time and the Skilled Worker’s Aptitude, there is no significant correlation in male but in female significant correlation between Response time to forward and Location (P<0.05), Response time to left and Tracing, Location(P<0.05).